What is Hair Transplantation?

There are many reasons that will cause a person to lose their hair. It could be due to age, hormonal imbalances or a medical condition. Whatever the reason many be, it significantly affects people’s self-esteem and confidence. However, all may not be lost and with the best hair implants Melbourne you could regain hair in places where they are needed most.

Losing hair

If you have noticed there you are losing hair prematurely; then it could be for another reason other than growing old. When you grow old, the body will stop growing hair gradually. However, many people who lose hair for other reasons and want to know how they can get back hair on their head, eyebrows or beard and in this article we will have a look at a revolutionary way to do that.

Hair transplants

We have heard of medical advances where transplants have saved people lives. The liver, lung heart and many other organs have been transplanted. Noe you can also have a hair transplant, but it will not be from someone else. If you notice that you are losing hair from above your forehead, but the growth in other areas on your head is fine, then qualified surgeons will be able to remove the good fo licualas and place implant them in places where there is less growth.

Who is it for?

Anyone can perform this procedure as long as one do not have any other serious medical condition that will hamper the process. The first thing that you should do is consult a doctor and learn if you are in good health. After that, visit a clinic that specializes in hair transplantation and consult a cosmetic surgeon.

headThe benefits

The process is relatively painless and can be performed on the head, eyebrows and face. It will give you a better look, and you will not have to feel shy of not having hair. You will also be having natural permanent hair and will not need to wear a wig or other headwear to cover any loss of hair.


Since this is classified as a cosmetic procedure, the cost can be a little inhibitive to some. In such cases, and if there aren’t sufficient hairs to be removed for transplantation, one can get a treatment known as micropigmentation which will give you a stubble look and will simulate the look of real hair.…